Journaling and Calculating Body Measurements

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Holistic living is all about quality of life. It is all parts of the self, balanced and connected. To help regain that balance, I'm offering these charts and calculators to help you on your way to becoming your best self!

My Health Coaching Freebies were specifically designed to work with my journals that can be found here on Amazon, or here. Scroll through to find the right journal for you. These make amazing gifts, too, for anyone trying to get their health back on track!

Having healthy goals and charting your progress can be an important step to your success in your health and fitness journey. You're welcome to be as thorough as you'd like. Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI), your Ideal Weight, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat percentage. Write down all of your measurements on our FREE Body Measurement Chart and get started on your health journey today!

Calculating BMI

Calculating your Body Mass Index or BMI, is a useful tool used around the world by health professionals. It is a measurement of body fat that helps to determine if a person is underweight or overweight, or right in normal range for their body. Being underweight or overweight can be cause for alarm when health is concerned, so it's important to know your BMI. Click here to use the BMI Calculator

The World Health Organization (WHO) sets the following guidelines for Body Mass Index (BMI) for women:

BMI less than 18 = underweight

BMI 18 - 18.4 = thin

BMI 18.5 - 24.9 = normal, healthy weight

BMI 25 - 29.9 = overweight

BMI over 30 = obese

Calculating Waist-to-Hip Ratio

Waist-to-hip ratio or WHR for short, is another useful tool in determining your abdominal or visceral fat. Use this calculator here to determine your waist-to-hip ratio. The World Health Organization (WHO) sets the following guidelines for Waist-to-Hip (WHR) for women:

WHR less than 0.80 - low health risk

WHR 0.81 - 0.85 = moderate health risk

WHR 0.85 = high health risk

Calculating Body Fat Percentage

Wondering why you need to know this? There are some who say knowing your body fat percentage is far more important than even knowing your weight or your BMI! This figure tells how much of your body is made up of fat. Just knowing how much you weigh tells very little of your overall health. Take for example two people who weight the same. One is a female and stands 5'2" tall, and weighs 155 pounds. The second person is a male who stands 5'11" tall and weighs 155 pounds. Obviously, their body fat is going to be very different. The point being, body fat percentage gives a better understanding to your overall health risks. Use this calculator to make it easy. Figuring your Body Fat Percentage can be done here.

Calculating Your Ideal Body Weight

For years we have seen those charts depicting what your weight should be. Using these calculators will give a more accurate result, thereby painting a better picture of what your ideal weight should be according to your specific body frame. Figuring your Ideal Body Weight can be done here. Knowing your body frame size is also important when figuring your Ideal Body Weight. Use this chart here to figure your body frame size. Having this information will help you to establish a more attainable and realistic goal.

Other Free Printables

Exercising is an important component to health and vitality. Our bodies were meant to move and you will hear me say this all the time. Getting back to the basics here, I always suggest three very simple exercises to begin with. It's just simple squats, simple push-ups, and regular ab crunches. Start off with 10-20 reps, for 1-3 sets. Try to add in a one-minute plank if you can. Do whatever your fitness level allows at first and always take care of your joints. I also recommend doing a Tabata type or HIIT type workout for cardio, and yoga or stretching to your weekly routine as well. It's good to change things up as our bodies become real efficient when we keep the same routine. Keep track of your exercise routine with our FREE printable Workout Schedule. 

Experts say keeping a food diary is said to encourage you to be more mindful of what and when you're eating, and to encourage you to eat fewer calories. There are several studies that show keeping a food journal of some sort will help you to be more successful in not only losing the weight, but keeping it off long-term. Keep track of your eating with our FREE printable Food Diary.

Practicing mindfulness, not will-power, when it comes to eating will give you the discipline you desire. Download our FREE Mindful Eating Quiz to become more aware of your eating habits, body reactions and responses, and feelings that are present at the time of eating. Over time, you will develop more control over why, what, and how often you eat. To our health!