Boosting Your Mitochondria Naturally

Let’s talk about mitochondria. We’ve learned a little bit about mitochondria in our school days and we really don’t know much more than that. We know these little organelles are the power houses of our cells and they even have their own DNA! They are literally where we get our energy from. This is known as ATP. Every cell has mitochondria except for one type of cell? Do you know what that one is?

Right! It’s the red blood cells. This is because the red cells are our oxygen transport cells. They transport oxygen all over the body. Mitochondria is not in red blood cells because they would compete for oxygen.

So many people use the analogy of car to help to explain body systems. Since my husband is a “car guy”, that’s what I will use as well. We know that cars have motors or engines, and the cars will not run without them. What we add to this motor determines the energy that will be available to use, such as the gasoline, coolant, oil, and even the spark to ignite the process. It makes sense, then, that we wouldn’t want to put in the wrong fuel or oil. This could clog up the engine, make it lag or sputter, or even backfire. We certainly wouldn’t want to add the wrong ingredients all together, like sugar. Even if you’re not a car person, we all know this will kill the engine without description. Without good energy, the spark would not happen either.


So, what can we do to boost the power of our mitochondria for better health, more youthful body, and longevity?


Nutrients Used by Our Mitochondria

Nutrients that help boost healthy mitochondria are



Vitamin A

Vitamin B family

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA)




Foods to Include in Your Diet

You can supplement for these nutrients mentioned above, but I think it’s always best to get our nutrients first from food. Then, you can fill in the gaps with supplements as needed. Poor diet and toxins that we put in and on our bodies can be quite damaging to our health and mitochondria. Mitochondria-boosting nutrients would be found in foods such as mushrooms, sesame seeds, whole pasture-raised eggs, cashews, almonds, avocados, spinach, pumpkin seeds, lettuces and greens, grass-fed beef (including the fatty parts), beef liver, lamb, sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring, poultry, beans, nutritional yeast, extra virgin olive oil, cabbage, onions, and garlic, dark chocolate, and more.

Maybe not so coincidentally, these foods also boost your gut microbiome. Gut health, in my opinion, is one of the most important areas to consider for overall health and wellbeing, that includes everything from physical health to mental health and beyond.

I believe you get the picture here. My mom always taught me to eat a variety and I truly believe this to be the best. We have been provided with an abundance and we shouldn’t limit the diversity in which we eat.


Natural Therapies

Natural therapies that help boost healthy mitochondria are

Red Light therapy (You don’t need to spend a lot here. I can help you with some tips.)

Far (or Near) Infrared Sauna

Blue Light Blocking Glasses worn at night when looking at screens (including TV’s)

Get exposed to real sunlight, especially first light in the morning

Eat organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised, non-gmo real foods as much as possible (has more enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids and this increases mitochondrial function.)

Exercise and movement daily

De-Stress techniques and meditation

Remove as many toxins as possible from your diet and environment (limits free radicals)

Restful Sleep


Mitochondria regulate the metabolism in our body. Mitochondria can become diseased if we are not living a healthy lifestyle. If you’re feeling fatigued, stressed out, or maybe you have diabetes, fibromyalgia, mental disorders, or even cancers, you may want to begin adding in some of the things mentioned here to boost and restore the health of your mitochondria, naturally. Doing things to boost and restore our mitochondria can really help us to thrive and live a long life.


