Benefits of Grounding

As most of us know, everything is based on energy. Using the energy from the earth is one very natural way to radically improve your health. The earth is electrically conductive, as well is the human body. We have 1300 nerve endings per square inch in our feet. Other parts of our body, such as our hands, also have dense amounts of nerve endings. Our heart and brain (as well as our organs and body systems) carries a certain amount of electrical charge, to which the medical field knows about. This is why they use procedures like EKG and EEG to measure these electrical currents.  

Grounding or earthing is a term we use in the natural world for going outside and touching some part of nature with our physical body. This means to take your shoes off and walk in the grass, the dirt, the sand, or the water. It doesn’t matter which. Touch a tree. Run your fingers across the blades of grass. The earth literally reconnects us and discharges us of the bad energies we collect in our tissues.

For example, a study from Poland shows that grounding can improve glucose levels. It is thought to work by reducing our stress levels much like sports, hobbies, or relaxation activities, which directly impacts our glucose levels. Grounding is thought to reduce inflammation in the body by providing electrons of the magnetic field of the earth, which this may indirectly improve glucose levels as well.

Please see all the links to studies that were conducted on these benefits of earthing below.

Other Benefits to Grounding

·         Reduce inflammation in the body

·         Reduce or eliminate chronic pain

·         Improve chronic fatigue, increases energy levels

·         Improve sleep

·         Ease anxiety and depression

·         Lowers stress and raises positive mood

·         Improve heart and cardiovascular function

·         Boost immune system

·         Improves gut motility, reduces leaky gut, improves digestion

·         Normalizes blood pressure and blood flow

·         Protects the body from the effects of EMF’s

Types of Grounding

·         Walking barefoot on the natural ground (i.e., grass, dirt, sand, water)

·         Lying or sitting on the ground

·         Submersing yourself in water, such as a lake, pond, ocean, etc.

·         Using grounding equipment, such as grounding mats, grounding socks, grounding sheets or blankets, grounding bands, grounding patches. These can be purchased online and require some education on how to properly ground them.


So, go smell all the roses and hug all the trees!




Link Sources

Study for improved glucose levels

Grounding expert

Study for earthing on inflammation, immune system, and autoimmune diseases

Study on reducing muscle damage

Study on earthing and cardiovascular disease

Study for the effects of earthing on pain