DIY Detoxes You Can Do Easily

Getting the toxins out of the body is very important for everyone’s good health, but they are especially important if you have MTHFR like myself.

I realize that there are many nay-sayers out there that insist these detoxing remedies, bath soaks, drinks, foods, foot soaks and pads really don’t work, but I go by how I feel before and after. Let me tell you, I feel so much better when I keep up with detoxing. I am very body aware, and I can feel when toxins are building in my body. Do you get this, too? For me, my neck, head, and shoulders seem to feel it the most when I am about full. I get a stiff neck, limited shoulder range of motion, and clogged sinuses and headaches. So much fun. (NOT!)

Detoxing is something you can do weekly, and there are many you can do daily. First, lets look at why you might need to do a detoxing remedy in the first place.


How do you know if you need to do a detox?

·         Brain fog

·         Headaches

·         Body odor that’s not normal

·         Achy joints

·         Sluggish energy

·         Clogged pores/dull skin/acne/blemishes/rashes

·         Slowing gut motility/constipation

·         Mood swings

·         Heightened anxiety

·         Have MTHFR

·         Have fatty liver/no gallbladder

·         Trauma, past or present


Activated Charcoal

I like to also take activated charcoal as a binder to collect the toxins in my gut. We do not digest activated charcoal. This, in part, is why hospitals use this substance in the emergency room. Toxins bind to the charcoal, and we end up eliminating this waste with our bowel movements. It is said that AC enhances kidney function by helping the kidneys in filtering out waste products.

*Please note: This can cause nausea and vomiting (which is also partly how hospitals use this). This can also interfere with medication absorption, so consult your doctor before ingesting.

I use 1 teaspoon mixed in 8 ounces of water. I mix this with a spoon until well-combined. Then, drink. I prefer to drink this before going to bed, though I know several people who like to take this in the morning. You be the judge for you. *This is safe to take weekly.

Green Tea Flush

Green tea is considered a “super food”. It contains antioxidants, “polyphenols (that reduces inflammation), flavonoids and catechins (which are natural antioxidants that prevent cell damage from free radicals) and small amounts of important minerals. A catechin, called Epigallocatechin Gallate or EGCG for short, is one of the most abundant and powerful compounds in green tea.” The Japanese say this is the healthiest drink you can drink!

I make two large jars or pitchers of iced organic green tea. I will drink this for one entire day to flush out my liver and kidneys. You must use filtered or clean water with organic green tea bags. You may have your morning coffee and drink water throughout the day as long as you can finish the green tea for the flush. *This is safe to drink (at least one 8 ounce glass) daily.


Oil of Oregano

Oil of Oregano (*note: this is NOT the essential oil) is known as nature’s antibiotic. This is some powerful stuff! “Oil of Oregano is known to help fight infections and bacterial overgrowth such as with yeast infections, SIBO, and athlete’s foot. It helps to lower cholesterol, may relive pain, is anti-inflammatory, is an antioxidant, may help with weight loss, wound healing, fight against parasitic infections, and the compound carvacrol may even have cancer-fighting properties. It is also touted as improving gut health and digestion.”

I personally use this according to the instructions on the bottle. I take it similarly to antibiotics in that I take it for up to two weeks only. Then, I take a break and I only take it seasonally or when I need a strong detox.


Foot Detox Recipes

Detoxing through our feet using soaks or detoxing pads are an easy, relaxing way to pull toxins from the body. Pulling toxins from the feet and hands works because the pores in these areas are larger and allow for toxins to be able to be pulled out much easier. An added bonus here is that we can take special care of our feet at this time. They really do so much for our health. This is something wonderful to show some love to your feet!

Benefits from detoxing from your feet:

·         Better sleep

·         More energy

·         Clearer skin

·         Relief from headaches


Clay Foot Soak

2 tablespoons Bentonite Clay

1-2 cups Epsom Salts

Dandelion or Peppermint Tea


ACV Foot Soak

½ cup apple cider vinegar

1-2 cups Epsom Salts

½ cup baking soda

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil


Foot Detox Pads

You can make these yourself or purchase them. They’re typically just a type of fabric or mesh pad filled with natural ingredients. The pads I use contain ginger, ginseng, aloe, bamboo charcoal, tourmaline, and bamboo vinegar. I literally feel so much energy the next day!

Place one foot pad on the bottom of each foot. These need to stay on your feet for 6-8 hours. Most people wear them with socks on at night when they are sleeping.


Check out My Detoxing Routine(s) in this blog here! Happy detoxing!



*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease.


Laura HillComment